Community Education News Feed
13 Jan 2025, 12:00 pm
An NIMH-funded study showed that incorporating depression treatment into care for chronic health conditions improved well-being for both patients and their families.
30 Dec 2024, 12:00 pm
Adding suicide care practices to routine adult primary care visits reduced suicide attempts by 25% in the months after the visit.
20 Dec 2024, 12:00 pm
In a recent NIMH-funded study, researchers explored a potential new way of clearing HIV from the brain by testing a drug that targets a type of immune cell known as macrophages.
16 Dec 2024, 12:00 pm
Video recording and transcript of "Director's Innovation Speaker Series: Youth Suicidal Behaviors: Where Do We Go From Here""
16 Dec 2024, 12:00 pm
During this fireside chat, Drs. Shelli Avenevoli and Arielle H. Sheftall provided an overview of the state of youth suicide and suicidal behaviors in the United States.
9 Feb 2025, 1:51 am
Breaking the chains of imprinting in autism spectrum disorders.
9 Feb 2025, 1:15 am
We all long for our children to be happy and successful. The path to it is unconditionally loving them. It takes understanding yourself and expressing love, even when angry.
9 Feb 2025, 1:09 am
The phrase “Stop shoulding on yourself” is a reminder that it is easy to create unrealistic and non-genuine self-expectations based on a sense of should vs. true desires or values.
8 Feb 2025, 8:47 pm
An MRI study of obese children discovered a differential impact from their parents.
8 Feb 2025, 8:21 pm
Dreams have provided scientific breakthroughs and are a source of transrational knowledge. Read on to learn how you can use dreams to accelerate your own personal growth.
16 Dec 2024, 12:00 am
Objective structured clinical examinations have a long tradition in medical education. In psychotherapy training, this format is on the rise. The aim of this study was to prove reliability and feasibility of an objective structured therapeutic examination (OSTE) for the assessment of psychodynamic i
16 Dec 2024, 12:00 am
Researchers, including graduate students, who work with refugees and asylum seekers are exposed to narratives of torture, trauma, loss, and distress. This article features the testimonies of the authors as doctoral students and mental health researchers-in-training—as well as their supervisors
16 Dec 2024, 12:00 am
In psychology, few studies have focused on the programs used to train the skills needed to communicate the psychological assessment feedback. This exploratory study assesses two types of analogue online training in this context. Sixty-nine graduate psychology students were randomly assigned to one o